Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It was rigged

For the record, it wasn't a tackle. It was a block.

And I didn't knock her down on purpose. I couldn't see a thing wearing that stupid purple gorilla head.

I hope she's okay.

Just another Wednesday Team Night at Guts Church.

-- post from blogpress on my iphone

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Praise the Lord who paid my debt

Awesome music at the Guts Church this morning

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, April 25, 2009


This morning Team Relief partnered with "Up with Trees" and planted trees at Memorial High School. It's an easy way to get to know people from church and build relationships with them. No shovel required. "Up with Trees" brought everything, they just need the muscle and man/womanpower. Team Relief plans on doing this event again soon so look for our next tree planting event on, outreach, team relief, calendar. Great job and Thanks to everyone who helped today!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pastor Bill just sent me this awesome Blog... you can check it on his page at the Guts site or read it here.

30 years ago this June, I gave my life to the Lord in a small Assembly of God church in Warrenton, Missouri. It's hard to fathom 30 years have past, it seems like a few months.

In that time, I've been blessed without measure in every part of my life. I couldn't be more thankful for the life God has blessed me with and the future that is presented from this life. I may blog more about the past 30 years in the next few weeks.

The main thing I want to communicate with you today, is that your past shouldn't destroy your future. God has promised you a future and a hope. Remember, God's love covers a multitude of sin. Your sin is covered and your future is promised in Christ.

Have a great day,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Paul Sr. NOT invited to the 2009 TTH Rally

Did You Prepare For A Prosperous Day?

I (Kim Siex) have said that the most dangerous part of a person's life is not necessarily the speed bumps they encounter in life. Most often it is the smooth road between the speed bumps that lure us to sleep and we don't "feel" like we need God to intervene or even guide or direct our steps.

That time when everyone's healthy, money's in the bank and you're feelin' great and our eyes turn from God to us. After all, God is there when I need a panic button, right?

The Word says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God". Therefore, faith is something we are to use every day. We develop our faith, by reading, believing, speaking and renewing DAILY. We must activate our faith when our feet hit the floor every morning and prepare for a prosperous day.

If we were going fishing, we would grab the tackle box and poles. If we were going hunting, we would grab the ammo and the guns. When a surgeon performs surgery, he studies the patient, assembles a team and acquires the instruments in preparation for successful surgery.

Do you leave the house empty handed today?

Check out Pastors Bills "Greatest Life Imaginable"

Powerful word tonight at Guts Church 7p and 9p

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tonight @ 7PM

Nancy Alcorn is speaking to the staff this morning. Make sure and invite every woman (13 & over) to GutsChurch tonight @ 7pm

-- Posted From My gold encased iPhone

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is your life producing signs that lead people to Jesus?

Pastor Bill delivering a dynamic word at 6pm service.

Mark 16:14-20
Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized (immersed) will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

19 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

Don't forget new service times at Guts Church Sunday 9a, 11a and 6p / Wednesday 7p and 9p

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 17, 2009

Town Hall for Hope with Dave Ramsey - Thursday, April 23 at Guts Church

Be at Guts Church Thursday evening at 7pm, for Dave Ramsey's Town Hall for Hope. This live webcast is being simulcast to over 6,500 locations nationwide, and Guts Church has been selected as a primary location for northeastern Oklahoma.

Dave Ramsey is a well-known and respected money expert, and he's sure to bring some amazing insight into how we as Christians should view our role in the current economic climate.

Bring your friends and be here at Guts Church. Doors open at 6:15pm, and childcare will be provided.

For more information, go to

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Skiatook Never Knew What Hit It!

Last night was the greatest night that GYC North has seen thus far! Over 700 students packed the "old walmart" in Skiatook for the first ever GYC North Skate Competition featuring Fireflight! The skate competition was a huge success with well over 50 competitors. Caleb Buis took the trophy for Jr. High and Caleb Bailey took it for the high school division. Fireflight definitely brought the house down with one of the greatest shows! Students went absolutely nuts while the band rocked out! It was a night no one will forget. Phee, the drummer for Fireflight told us that Guts was the coolest church they had ever played at and they simply loved being here! They signed the Skatepark artwork on the wall and left their mark in Skiatook! All of this comes only second to hundreds of kids responding to the altar call.... absolutely incredible! GYC North is making a huge impact on those communities and we are full steam ahead! Here are a few pics to show you what you missed...

Big night this Wed @GutsChurch

And who is going to be there?

This guy!

-- Posted From My gold encased iPhone

Sunday, April 12, 2009

9th Annual Tougher Than Hell Motorcycle Rally

Paul Teutul Jr. - the Fabricator and creative genius behind Orange County Choppers and the hit TV Show American Choppers - is going to be at this year's rally on Saturday, June 13th

Check out the website @

Easter in Progress

Awesome service in progress

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Do You See Them?

Do you see the neighbor across the street mowing his yard? Do you see the lady buying groceries? Do you see the family having dinner at the next table? Jesus died for them too! Easter is a great time for them to hear a life changing message. Guts Church 9a 11a 6p

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Friday Top 10

My top ten Servolution moments from Friday.

10 Putting your flesh under and choosing to serve when your body wants to stay in bed
9 "I'm riding in Rodger's truck for safety reasons"
8 Eating a meal with some great friends before descending on the other side of town
7 Aj's natural adaptation to certain parts of town
6 Steve or Johnny should not be in charge of the map
5 Seven year olds putting crack pipes in the trash after finding "garbage" in the yard.
4 People knowing who we are and very excited to see us come back after only one week of serving their neighborhood.
3 Finding a snake in the grass and scaring the pants off others
2 Spontaneously taking over a cul de sac yard work and ministry, why not?!
1 Praying with underprivileged children to make Jesus the Lord of their lives.


Jesus said:

Luke 14:23
23 Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Websters definition-
1: to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly ,hunger compelled him to eat
2: to cause to do or occur by overwhelming pressure ,public opinion compelled her to sign the bill
3archaic : to drive together

Is your lifestyle compelling?
Are your words compelling?
Is your invitation compelling?

Guts Church 9a, 11a and 6p for a message that will change your life.

Servolution Fuel

7AM Prayer

-- Posted From My gold encased iPhone

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The A Team Cleans North Tulsa

Guts Church Servolution "A team" cleaned 6 abandoned homes and 2 vacant lots by 1pm Thursday. The neighbors were watching and the team was working and inviting people to Easter Services. The work was dirty, hard, scratchy, hot ,wet and FUN!

A Servolution on South Boston

A very strong team descended upon South Boston Ave. in Tulsa this morning at 7am and turned a house into a home. Great job to the volunteer crew who made this happen. Check out the pictures below.

Pretty Strong Crew...

A few pics from the Metcalf's Sub30 Outreach Team-

The honey bee shouldn't be able to fly....

....and Daniel should not be able to carry this load.

-- Posted From My gold encased iPhone

Sub30 Servolution is a SUCCESS!!!

Sub30 Servolution was incredible last night!

We mobilized 8 teams all over Tulsa-

The first group of 6 teams visited hospitals, fire stations, and police stations and delivered coffee and donuts to the night staff. Everyone was so appreciative and excited about our Easter service, and we even went to Bill Feeler's station while he happened to be on duty, so it was a cool opportunity to prove the claims Bill makes about our church being amazing. One team ended up taking coffee and donuts to the 106.9 K-hits DJ's working the late shift, and Chris Dennis and Moriah Chinnock got 5 minutes of airtime to just talk about Servolution and the church and Sub30's role in impacting our community!

The second team went to feed the homeless downtown and visit people at the YMCA: Nick Miller and Sarah Tucker led that team and again we encountered nothing but overwhelming thanks and appreciation... We are beginning to create a consistency and the people are noticing that we have been around for a few weeks- and we don't intend on going anywhere :)

Jen Teehee led the charge on the last team who went out to a trailer park to pass out pizza and candy to the kids, and plant some seed for our outreach on Saturday. The kids we spoke to were very excited that we were coming on Saturday and promised to be there with all their friends! It was a great opportunity to cover the place in prayer and expect big things this weekend.

It's an honor to serve, and I am so excited for this direction we as a church have taken to make God's love famous! This is the start of a culture for Sub30 and our church, so make sure you don't sit on sidelines and wish you would have done more... Be intentional with your life and your service!

See you Saturday!!

Sub30 went big last night!

3 Late night outreaches = big time impact.
Homeless = Homerun
Trailor Park = Touchdown
ER and Firestations = Hole in one

More to come from Sub30 - Keep your head on a swivel, you might just Get Served!

Getting the word out!

Servolution Tulsa in the news:

News on 6: Guts Church starts Servolution

Tulsa World: Service Blitz under way

Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ: Pat Interviews Pastor Bill Scheer

Sub30 cannot be stopped!

SUB30’s outreaches went GREAT last night. We sent out 8 different teams, and together accomplished some amazing feats. Combined, we took food to the homeless, the downtown YMCA, a local trailer park, 6 hospitals, the Cancer Treatment Center, 13 fire stations, 3 police stations, and 1 radio station. AMAZING! 6 different teams hit the hospitals and fire/police stations, and every single captain said they were enthusiastically received- People were so appreciative.

I went to the Cancer Treatment Center with Harold King, John Coggins and Danielle Wood- They were so blessed we came by. Rhonda, the head supervisor, personally gave us a tour of the facility, and kept telling us she couldn’t believe we were really bringing coffee and donuts with no agenda. The fire station in Jenks was awesome, three trucks were just getting back from calls and they were so excited to see us. Several of them were Sub30-age, so it was awesome to reach out to them. We want to do more for the firemen of Tulsa! Elisha’s Hospital crew had a few boxes of donuts left over, so they went over to 106.9 KHits to drop them off, and ended up being interviewed on the Late Show!!!! It was incredible. Chris Dennis and Moriah Chinnock were on the air, and did a great job explaining Servolution and why we are doing what we are doing. The DJ’s joked around with them and talked for at least 5 minutes on air- It was great.

Sub30 was made for Servolution- Stay tuned because there is a LOT more where that came from.

Servolution Day 7

7am is never to early to start Servolution!

-- Posted From My gold encased iPhone

Sub30 hits Servolution yet again!

Sub 30 did it big again! We went and fed our local firemen and policemen, others went to a trailer park to feed kids and other families, and others went to feed homeless. Here are some videos from the group I went with!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

JV 4K Easter Egg Hunt

500 Guts Church junior high kids converged on a field of 4000 eggs looking for the magic eggs with $100 bills. You can see more pictures here on facebook.

Guts JV has a large crowd of junior high kids every Wednesday night at 7pm for activities, games, live music, and indoor skate park. Visit this website for more information.

Easter services for the entire family will be this Sunday at 9am, 11am and 6pm with a bunny bash for the kids immediately following the 11am service.

{04.08.09} wednesday

one word: SERVOLUTION.

It is so incredible to see volunteers come together to serve there community! This is something that i have never seen before, we came out of no where and took Tulsa by surprise. It definitely shows that with a little hard work & passion you can do great things in a short amount of time. I am so looking forward to seeing the SERVOLUTION continue even after the 10 days have come to pass. If your not signed up to help, what are you waiting for?! Go to or call the church at 918-622-4422. Hope you are all having a great day!

{smiling & serving God} Erica
It never stops here at THE Guts Church! Servolution is only half way over and so much serving is left to do! Actually, how can we say it's half way over because new things are on the horizon already and this revolution of serving is never gonna stop! Easter Sunday might just be the biggest day of services Guts Church has EVER seen! Wait, let's back up.... Today, we served lunch to all the area businesses surrounding the campus. We made lots of new friends and they were very excited to be there.... Tomorrow we... well just look at the calendar! Tons left to do!

I am on the edge of my seat for Easter! The greatest day ever will be celebrated in full force here at Guts. You will have to show up to see the great things to be unveiled on this awesome day. Oh, and a little secret... FireFlight will be performing as part of the 6pm service! They will be coming in early just for us! They were just scheduled for the GYC North Skate Competition but think that Guts is a great place to spend Easter! Check them out at and make sure you are here on Sunday! See you then!

Servolution Wednesday

The Servolution has been going strong. People's lives are being changed and we get daily reports of the amazing things happening in our community. Today I had the honor of serving the neighboring businesses of Guts Church lunch. It wasn't just any lunch, but grilled chicken, smoked brisket, baked potatoes, and all of the fixings! The weather was perfect and people had a great time. Mr. Dubbs made sure everybody was enjoying themselves and everybody was excited about all that is going on with us here at Guts Church
To everybody in Sub30, there will be an outreach tonight, so come and get involved. Let's finish strong!
Sunday seems like an eternity ago, but the experience of serving and celebrating are still fresh in my mind. A bit chilly and windy but the warm personalities and big hearts of every volunteer made the experience both pleasant and productive. In classic Guts Church fashion, the church really took care of the volunteers with lunch and dinner which provided a great environment to keep building those relationships.

Seeing what a mass of humanity can do with organization and purpose is mind blowing. It's times like this you realize why God designed the church as a body of believers and not just individuals contributing independently. Effectiveness really comes from the entire body contributing a little, rather than a few contributing the majority. It's awesome to see everyone at Guts Church doing their share.

If you have not taken the opportunity to serve, do it! Although you will be helping people in our community, I think you will receive the greater reward. Don't miss out on doing something great for God, for your community, your church and yourself.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rockin' The Retirement Center

30 Guts Church Servolution volunteers visited Shadybrook for a night of free hot chocolate, cookies, suckers and bingo. Actually we crashed the bingo party after paying 25 cents each to enter the game. Servolution volunteers went door to door inviting people to Easter service and praying for the residents. Some of our volunteers will be returning to help one of the ladies pack her apartment before she moves to Owasso.

Feeding The Homeless

The Servolution Nation fed the homeless at the adult day center downtown Tulsa today. Approximately 250 men, women and children rely on this center every day for needs including medical, showers, food, counseling and shelter. As you can see from the pictures there is a huge need right here in Tulsa to minister to these people. Right now the shelter is in short supply of childrens medium and small underwear, bug spray, and sunscreen among many other things.

04.07.09 {tuesday}

I love GOD! HE is so good!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

ServoluTube Videos Posted

Check out the YouTube Ad on the top right of the blog to watch the new videos from Day 3 of Servolution. We gave Shaun Schaefer a blogging cam.......enough said.

The A Team at Norberg Park

Yesterday, my Invite! team and I went door to door in the area surrounding Norberg Park. As our awesome Servolution team cleaned the park, we invited every house to Easter services and offered assistance on their personal properties. We discovered many of the residents were elderly people who looked forward to walking in the newly repaired park. Many of these people responded with tears of appreciation- several of them just needed help cleaning up the debris recent storms had left in their yards. One woman was embarassed she didn't have the strength to pull down the Christmas lights from her porch and trees. Doing these tasks for them is a small deal for us, but a big deal for the ones who just don't have the ability to take care of it on their own.

Here are a few more pictures of the team: SO PROUD of you guys.Also! We stumbled across a birthday party of kids, and invited all of them to our youth church. They were pumped about it, and we plan on seeing them this Wednesday at JV!

Monday Morning Staff Meeting

The Guts staff is winning the battle is the spirit right now. Be praying for all servolution volunteers, Pastor Bill & Pastor Sandy Scheer, the staff, elders and all those who are coming back to church or for the first time; this Easter.

(Happy Opening Day!! Go Cubs Go)
-- Posted From My gold encased iPhone

More Work To Be Done

Yesterday, the Servolution Nation cleaned the city parks. This week, there are several projects where you will have the opportunity to serve people one on one, in their homes, in their hospital beds, wherever they are. We will take the Gospel of Jesus to their world, and make their world a better place to live. Sign up now, it will change your life and the lives of others.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Check out the Day 3 Videos

Check back often - more to come!

7 more days of Servolution!

The first 3 days of Servolution have been amazing. We have helped so many people in our community. From graffiti to city parks getting cleaned, we have done a crazy amount of work. If you haven't gotten a chance to serve yet, be sure to stop by Guts Church some time this week. Drop by any time and we will have something for you to do. Let's rally together like never before to change our community. It is going to be an amazing week.

Norberg Park looks AWESOME!!

We are over here at 31st and Garnett, and you wouldn't BELIEVE how much progress has been made at this park! Here are a few pics of the team we have-

Servolution Tulsa - Day 3

When Servolution was in the planning stages, we sent a team to meet with the mayor's office just to see if they had anything we could take care of for them.

They did.

Right now, over 700 Servolutionaries in red Team Relief shirts are converging on parks all over Tulsa, clearing debris left by last year's ice storm.

One of the things Pastor Bill regularly tells the staff is "if you see it, you own it."

Guts Church owns Tulsa.

-- post from blogpress on my iphone

ORU Baseball thanks the Servolution

Yesterday the ORU Baseball team won both games of their double-header and took time out to thank the Servolution.

The ORU Baseball team will be taking part in the Servolution on Thursday : Day 5

first blog ever.

today i enter a new world of me. blogging. this should be fun. 

day 1// servolution tulsa is ON!

if you don't know what servolution is already... you are WAY out of the loop. you need in. i wanna tell you to sign up at because that's what i've telling everyone and their dog lately... but for you... just show up. we'll get you hooked up. 

the servolution tulsa command center is at Guts Church. 9120 e. broken arrow expressway. see you soon. 

for those of you who do know what servolution is... it's way bigger than you think.  today is day 3 and we've already accomplished way more than we thought we would. i thought i was thinking huge... and i am blown away. there are several people uploading pics/vids/etc throughout everyday of this thing. check it all out. forward it on to your co-workers... let people know what awesome things are happening in the world around them. give them a reason to //HOPE. 

one day at at a time... this is how we change the world. 

livin the life.


Servolution on the Tulsa World

Click HERE to read the article.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Local Church With A Global Impact

I was at work today (keeping the wheels of the economy turning) and keeping an eye on the Guts Church servolution team through various blogs including this Guts Church blog, Win The World For Jesus blog and Facebook. There were literally hundreds of pictures flowing all over the internet today of people serving people in the name of Jesus! The world is watching and they see the hands of Jesus wearing red shirts all over the globe.

Pastor Bill Scheer addresses the Servolution Nation


Breaking news...Pastor Bill just received a text from Tulsa Mayor, Kathy Taylor:



Guts Church is Winning by Serving!!!

The tribe of Guts Church is winning by serving the citizens of Tulsa, Oklahoma through the Servolution program.

Matt 25:40
40 And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'

See more pictures here